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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Slim your waist and flatten your tummy

Before u start an aerobic exercise program, ask your doctor for advice if you answer yes to two or more of the ff.

-you are over the age of 45
-you are less than 55 and past menopause and not taking estrogen-replacement therapy (w/c protect your heart)
-you smoke cigarettes
-you have or have ever had high-blood pressure or high cholesterol.
-you are sedentary
-you have a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.

·Beginner: 1 set of 3 to 10 reps, 3 days per week
·Intermediate: 2 sets of 10 reps, 3 days per week
·Experienced: 3 or 4 sets of 10 reps, 3 or 4 days per week

* Maximum results w/ minimum effort- if you trying to regain muscle tone after pregnancy; you will probably want to focus more on the lower abs. As a rule, you should work the upper and lower abs and the oblique equally.

* Flex your knees- if you don’t, you’re likely to use your hip muscles, not your abs w/c will defeat the purpose of exercise.

* Flatten your back- you should flatten your back against the floor to protect your lower back muscles against strains.

* Start easy- 3-10 reps. Is the maximum for beginners.

* Use slow controlled movements- Use slow, steady movements and hold each position for a count of two. If you experience pain or discomfort when performing exercise, stop and substitute another version.

* Be consistent- next to performing the exercise correctly, exercising regularly is key.

* Combine at work w/ diet and aerobics- you can’t say, I want to take 3 inches off my waist, 500 ab exercises and nothing else, and expect it to work, it won’t. If you ignore aerobic exercises and a sensible diet your belly will show it.

* Combing aerobics w/ab workouts help in two ways- The combination burn calories, w/c help get rid of excess weight all over, including the abdomen, and it gives your abs a little boost.

* Be patient- don’t expect results overnight. If you’re a beginner, start at the beginner level. When working at one level become easy and effortless, more on the next.

30-DAY BEGINNER PROGRAM (10-20 minutes, 3 days a week)

Week I:
-leg extensions
- leg curls
-side lying straight leg raises

Week II:
-Inner leg raises
-Prone single-leg raises
-Leg extension

Week III:
-standing abductions
-pelvic lifts
-leg curls

Week IV:
-leg extensions
-inner leg raises
-pelvic lifts

30-DAY INTERMEDIATE PROGRAM (20-30 minutes, 3- 5 days this week)

Week I:
-back leg extensions
-seated inner leg raises

Week II:
-standing abductions
-bent leg extensions

Week III:
-butterfly leg raises
-standing abductions

Week IV:
-Pelvic lifts
-butterfly leg raises

30-DAY EXPERIENCED PROGRAM (Minimum 20-30 minutes, 3-5 days this week)

Week I:
-bent leg extensions
-single leg pelvic lifts

Week II:
-side lying bent raises
-bent knee cross over

Week III:
-single leg pelvic lifts
- fire hydrants
-wall squats

Week IV:
-bent knee cross over
-wall squats

Hope this will help and kindly post your before and after photos after trying this program.

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